Code Snippet

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API » Property Units » sendPropertyUnits


Insert the property units/unit space and other the required details.

*unitNumber [String] This is a required field. This field accepts single value. This node should accept the unitNumber.
unitPrefix [String] This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. This node should accept the unitNunber prefix
unitSuffix [String] This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. This node should accept the unitNumber suffix
spaceNumber [Integer] This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. This node should accept the spaceNumber on added unit.
maxOccupants [Integer] This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. This node should accepts the maxOccupants of the property units
maxPets [Integer] This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. This node should accepts the maxPets of the property units
numberOfBedRooms [Integer] This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. This node should accepts the beds number of the property units
numberOfBathRooms [Integer] This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. This node should accepts the bathRooms of the property units
squareFeet [Integer] This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. This node should accept the squareFeet of the property units
note [String] This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. This node should accept the note added for the property units
unitGenderId [Integer] This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. This node should accept the Id of the gender. The unitGenderId should be get from getPropertyPickLists.
No Parameters Found.

Request URL


Request Type

Request Copy to Clipboard

Response Copy to Clipboard

/* An Example XML Request */
string xmlRequest = "";

/* An Example JSON Request */ string jsonRequest = "";
/* Initiate a Web Request object */ HttpWebRequest webRequest = null; webRequest = WebRequest.Create(' REPLACE THIS WITH THE WEB SERVICE URL ') as HttpWebRequest; webRequest.Method = 'POST'; webRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic ");
/* Add Form data */
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(@"E:\RabitMQ\Learn RabbitMQ With C.pdf"); string fileName = fi.Name; byte[] fileContents = File.ReadAllBytes(fi.FullName);
string boundary = "--AaB03x";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine(boundary); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{0}\"", "requestBody")); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine(xmlRequest);
sb.AppendLine(boundary); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{0}\"", "requestContentType")); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("application/xml; CHARSET=UTF-8");
sb.AppendLine(boundary); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Content-Disposition: file; name=\"{0}\"; filename=\"{1}\"", "file1", fileName)); sb.AppendLine("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fileContents)); sb.AppendLine(boundary);
/* Initiate the request writer */ StreamWriter requestWriter = new StreamWriter(webRequest.GetRequestStream());
/* If you want to send an XML Request, use these options */ webRequest.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x"; requestWriter.Write(xmlRequest);
/* If you want to send an XML Request, use these options */ webRequest.ContentType = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x'; requestWriter.Write(jsonRequest);
/* Read the response */ StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(webRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()); string responseData = responseReader.ReadToEnd(); responseReader.Close();

/* An Example XML Request */
string xmlRequest = "";

/* An Example JSON Request */ string jsonRequest = "";
import java.io.InputStream; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
public class PostExample {
public static void main(String[] args){
HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
try { HttpPost request = new HttpPost("REPLACE THIS WITH THE WEB SERVICE URL"); request.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic <BASE64 ENCODED VALUE OF USERNAME:PASSWORD>"); request.addHeader("content-type", "multipart/form-data");
File file1 = new File("[/path/to/upload]");
MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create(); builder.addBinaryBody( "file1", new FileInputStream( file1 ), ContentType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, file1.getName() );
/* If you want to send an XML Request, use these options */ builder.addTextBody( "requestBody", xmlRequest ); builder.addTextBody( "requestContentType", "APPLICATION/XML; CHARSET=UTF-8" );
/* If you want to send an JSON Request, use these options */ builder.addTextBody( "requestBody", jsonRequest ); builder.addTextBody( "requestContentType", "APPLICATION/JSON; CHARSET=UTF-8" );
HttpEntity multipartFormData = builder.build(); request.setEntity( multipartFormData );
HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request);
// handle response here... System.out.println(response); }catch (Exception ex) { // handle exception here ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { httpClient.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); } } }

/* An Example XML Request */
string xmlRequest = "" ;

/* An Example JSON Request */ $jsonRequest = "" ;
$resCurl = curl_init();
curl_setopt( $resCurl, CURLOPT_POST, true ); curl_setopt( $resCurl, CURLOPT_URL, REPLACE THIS WITH THE WEB SERVICE URL ); curl_setopt( $resCurl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
$strFirstFileName = '<filename with path>'; $strSecondFileName = '<filename with path>'; if( true == function_exists( 'curl_file_create' ) ) { $strFirsFilePath = curl_file_create( $strFirstFileName ); $strSecondFilePath = curl_file_create( $strSecondFileName ); } else { $strFirsFilePath = '@' . realpath( $strFirstFileName ); $strSecondFilePath = '@' . realpath( $strSecondFileName ); }
/* If you want to send an XML Request, use these options */ $arrmixPost = [ 'requestContentType' => 'APPLICATION/XML; CHARSET=UTF-8', 'requestBody' => $xmlRequest, 'file1' => $strFirsFilePath, 'file2' => $strSecondFilePath ]; /* If you want to send a JSON Request, use these options */ $arrmixPost = [ 'requestContentType' => 'APPLICATION/JSON; CHARSET=UTF-8', 'requestBody' => $jsonRequest, 'file1' => $strFirsFilePath, 'file2' => $strSecondFilePath ];
curl_setopt( $resCurl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Content-type: multipart/form-data', 'Authorization: Basic <BASE64 ENCODED VALUE OF USERNAME:PASSWORD>' ) ); curl_setopt( $resCurl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $arrmixPost ); $result = curl_exec( $resCurl ); if( false === $result ) { echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error( $resCurl ); curl_close( $resCurl ); } else { curl_close( $resCurl ); echo $result; }

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