Select any of the web services below to view details and examples.
Inserts resident reviews and ratings.
CustomerId [Integer] | This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. Child element of Testimonial. Customer Id. |
*TestimonialTypeId [Integer] | This is a required field. This field accepts single value. The following are valid testimonial type ids: 1 Resident testimonial 2 Employee testimonial 3 Client testimonial 4 Vacancy 5 Apartmentr 6 7 |
Name [String] | This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. Child element of Testimonial. Name of a person who submitted the testi monial. |
*Title [String] | This is a required field. This field accepts single value. Child element of Testimonial. Title of testimonial. |
*Review [String] | This is a required field. This field accepts single value. Child element of Testimonial. Review content. |
RecommendToFriend [Boolean] | This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. Child element of Testimonial. Do you recommend this property to any fr iend?. |
*AuthorizeToShowOnCorporateSites [Boolean] | This is a required field. This field accepts single value. Child element of Testimonial. Do you authorize property manager to dis play your testimonial on its portal and affiliate websites?. |
*RatingTypeId [Integer] | This is a required field. This field accepts single value. The following are valid testimonial rating types ids: 1 Parking 2 No ise 3 Grounds 5 Construction 6 Maintenance 7 Staff 8 Overall |
*Rating [Integer] | This is a required field. This field accepts single value. Child element of TestimonialRatings. Rating value. |
AutoApproveForProspectPortal [Boolean] | This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. Child element of Testimonial. Set to 1 if want to auto approve the tes timonial and post it on prospect portal. |
AutoApproveForVacancy [Boolean] | This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. Child element of Testimonial. Set to 1 if want to auto approve the tes timonial and post it on |
*PropertyId [Integer] | This is a required field. This field accepts single value. Property Id |
TestimonialDatetime [Date] | This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. Testimonial submission date. |
TransmissionVendorId [Integer] | This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. Transmission Vendor Id |
Email [String] | This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. Email will be required if CustomerId is not provided. Child element of Testimonial. Email of a person who submitted the testimonial. |
PropertyResponse [String] | This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. The property's response to the review. |