Select any of the web services below to view details and examples.
*TransactionId [Integer] | This is a required field. This field accepts single value. This ID represents the 'reference_id' provided in the sendLeaseArTrans actions response or the 'TransactionID' provided in getMitsLeaseArTran sactions. |
*TransactionAmount [Float] | This is a required field. This field accepts single value. The amount for which the original charge was posted. If the Original c harge was a negative charge, a credit, please send this amount as nega tive as well. |
PropertyId [Integer] | This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. |
ReverseDate [Date] | This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. This is an optional parameter. If a date is sent in this parameter, we will set this value as postDate for the reversed transactions. |
Description [String] | This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. This is an optional parameter. We highly recommend that you provide a detailed description of the reason for which the charged is reversed. |