As part of our new Partner Program, we’re rolling out a modernized API gateway that offers improved performance, robust security, and a streamlined developer experience. The legacy API gateway will be deprecated on March 31, 2025. API users must update their authentication and endpoints to avoid service disruptions. Instructions are available at and by request to [email protected]. If you haven’t updated your API agreement yet, please contact [email protected].
Select any of the web services below to view details and examples.
The Entrata API provides programmatic access to read and write data to our Entrata PaaS, and it retrieves property marketing data, lease and resident details, and more. Our API is organized around RPC protocols, and authenticates users by a username and password generated through the Entrata platform. Each user is a specific client and they can only access API for that particular company.
In order to make our API as explorable as possible, we have provided "Try Now" functionality for all read types of web-services. This functionality returns live data from a specific customer environment.
Our API returns data in XML or JSON format. For more basic calls, JSON is preferred. The response will match the request format and should be specified in the "Content-Type" HTTP header. The URL endpoint depends upon the call being made. For example, if you are making the getCustomers service, you would post to https://[subdomain] The subdomain is client specific. Please visit our Code Snippet section for examples and references detailing our web services in several programming languages.
Please note that unless stated otherwise, all dates and times used in the API are assumed to be in Mountain Time (MST or MDT).
The Accept-Language request header parameter can be used to request that the values returned in the response be translated into the language and locale that is desired, provided that the language is active and enabled for the client. Possible values are: [ en-US, en-CA, en-GB, es-MX, es-PE, hi-IN, zh-CN, en-IE, es-US, es-ES, fr-FR, es-CL ].
Method | Description |
getStatus | This API will specify the API health status whether it is running or not. |
Provides a library of functions to retrieve or send applications.
Method | Description |
getCompanyApplications | |
sendApplicantGeneralDetails | |
sendApplication | This service will directly insert a new application record of either completed or approved status and bypass the guest card stage. |
sendApplicationAddOns | |
sendApplicationEmployers | |
sendApplicationPets | This service will insert or update the pets on an application. Please note that any applicable fees will also be applied based on the property fee structure. |
sendApplicationVehicles | Add Vehicle details to an application |
updateApplication | This service allows users to update the application. |
Provides method to retrieve AR codes for a specified management company.
Method | Description |
getArCodes | Returns all AR codes for a specified management company |
Provides a library of functions to process electronic transactions.
Method | Description |
getArPayments | Retrieves AR payments details with reference to a Payment ID and for a selected date range. |
Provides a library of functions to retrieve or send resident transactions.
Method | Description |
getArInvoices | This API is to get the information of Ar Invoices along with transactions and payments. |
getLeaseArTransactions | Retrieves a list of all transactions for a given lease |
getMitsLeaseArTransactions | Retrieves list of all transactions for a given lease. |
sendLeaseArTransactionReversals | |
sendLeaseArTransactions | Inserts lease AR transaction charges. |
Method | Description |
getMarketingPreferencePickList | |
getMarketingPreferences | Pulls the marketing contact type preferences for a customer and what they have opted in or out of. Note that for SMS, if the customer does not have a mobile number entered Entrata, no SMS preferences will be returned. |
Provides a library of functions to retrieve or send customers information.
Method | Description |
getCustomers | Retrieves list of customers for a property. By default, this webservice returns residents where their lease status is Current or Notice. |
getCustomerTestimonials | Retrieves list of customer testimonials for a property. |
getTestimonialPickLists | Pick lists for Testimonials |
searchCustomers | Searches customers for a property. |
sendCustomerTestimonials | Inserts resident reviews and ratings. |
updateCustomers | This service allows the user to update a customers' basic information. Requires the customer's lease status to be at least Applicant or above. |
updateCustomerTestimonials | updateCustomerTestimonials |
updatePropertyResponse |
Provides a library of functions to retrieve or send financial information.
Method | Description |
getApCodes | This service will fetch job cost codes. |
getBankAccounts | retrieve bank accounts for particular management company. |
getBudgetActuals | |
getBudgets | API pull's details of the budget from Entrata. |
getFinancialPickList | financial picklist |
getGlTransactions | Returns all GL transactions for a property. By default the webservice returns summarized transactions. |
getGlTrees | getGlTrees |
getJobCategories | This service will fetch job categories |
getJobCostBudgets | This service will fetch job cost budgets. |
getJobs | Returns the job details added on the jobCosting |
getTransactionTagLists | Returns the transactionCustomTags and transactionRoutingTags |
markGlTransactionsExported | Marks the provided GL transactions as exported under the API export type. Does not impact being able to export the same transactions in other export types using other Entrata GL Export formats. |
sendBudgets | |
sendJournalEntries | Inserts the Journal Entries. |
updateBudgets |
Provides a library of functions to retrieve or send leads information.
Method | Description |
applyQuote | Apply quote to the application |
generateQuotes | Generates quotes for the application. |
getLeadEvents | |
getLeadPickLists | Pulls a list of Ids required for other lead services |
getLeads | |
getMitsLeads | Retrieves a list of leads of all status types. This web service uses Lead Management 3.0 MITS specifications. |
getQuotes | Retrieves a list of prospect quotes from Entrata. |
sendLeads | Inserts new Guest Card. |
sendMitsLeads | Inserts new Guest Cards. This web service uses Lead Management 3.0 MITS specifications. Please note that this service is being replaced by the sendLeads API and will eventually not be supported by Entrata. |
updateLeads | It is use to update the lead. |
Provides a library of functions to retrieve or send leases information.
Method | Description |
cancelLease | Cancelling a lease which is in future status with unit and unit spaces associated with it. |
getEvictedLeases | |
getExpiringLeases | Returns a list of expiring leases |
getLeaseActivities | getLeaseActivities |
getLeaseDetails | |
getLeaseDocuments | Pulls list of lease documents. |
getLeaseDocumentsList | Pulls the list of lease documents. |
getLeasePickList | Pulls a list of Ids required for other leases services |
getLeases | Retrieves lease or application information. By default, this webservice returns leases that are in Current and Notice lease status. This endpoint is paginated, for pagination details check the response headers. |
getMitsCollections | Retrieves the collection data. |
getMitsLeases | Retrieves lease or application information.This web service uses Lease/Application 3.0 MITS specifications. By default, this webservice returns leases which are in Current and Notice lease status. |
getParcelAlerts | web service will return active as well as inactive packages. |
getRentersInsurancePolicies | |
moveInLease | |
moveOutLease | moveOutLease |
onNoticeLease | onNoticeLease |
sendLeaseActivities | |
sendLeaseDocuments | This API can be used to upload documents onto Entrata leases such as application, lease, policy, agreement documents. This API accepts files as a form file upload and the Content-Type should be "multipart/form-data". Please see the "Code Snippet" tab for more technical details and some sample code examples. |
sendLeases | |
sendRentersInsurancePolicies | |
sendRoommateGroups | Used to create a roommate group. Groups are meant to be finalized in an external system and pushed only once into Entrata. Groups cannot be modified later. except through Entrata directly if changes are required. |
sendScheduledCharges | sendScheduledCharges |
updateLease | This service allows the user to update the lease's basic required information and occupants. |
updateScheduledCharges | updateScheduledCharges |
Method | Description |
getCallLogs | |
getLeasingCenterPickLists |
Provides a library of functions to retrieve or send work orders (maintenance requests) related information.
Method | Description |
getInspections | |
getInspectionTemplates | We are fetching inspection templates based on the input provided in the request. |
getWorkOrderPickLists | Pulls a list of Ids required for other workorder services |
getWorkOrders | Retrieves work orders information. |
sendWorkOrders | Inserts new work orders. |
updateWorkOrders | Update the work orders. |
Provides a library of functions for retrieving pricing related information.
Method | Description |
getPricingPicklists | Retrieves picklist of id/name for the "CASCADE", "ORIGIN" and "TRIGGER" from the company. |
getPropertyFees | |
insertPricing | insertPricing allows updating pricing at a different level with multiple combinations. All nodes create a number of combinations and depending on the property setup API accepts the data. E.g If the property has the setup to accept term wise pricing then only API can accept the allowed terms under the node "leaseTermMonths". Please note that this API is designed for Conventional property type and may not work for other property types. |
sendBudgetedRent | sendBudgetedRent insert rates for unavailable units. |
Provides a library of functions to retrieve property related information.
Method | Description |
getAmenityReservations | getAmenityReservations |
getCalendarAvailability | This API pulls information about the property calendar such as general staff and tour hours of operation, allowed length of appointments, and provides the open calendar time slots as per the dates. |
getFloorPlans | Retrieves list of floor plans for a property. |
getPetTypes | Pulls a list of Pet types |
getPhoneNumber | |
getProperties | Retrieves properties details for the management company. |
getPropertyAddOns | |
getPropertyAnnouncements | Retrieves announcements associated to property. |
getPropertyPickLists | Version R2 for getPropertyPickLists. Converted the parameters from attribute to Nodes. |
getRentableItems | Retrieves list of rentable items for a property. |
getReservableAmenities | getReservableAmenities |
getWebsites | getWebSites |
sendFloorplans | Insert the floorplans |
sendPropertyMedia | |
sendRentableItems | To insert the Rentable Items in to Entrata |
Provides a library of functions to retrieve or send all property units related information.
Method | Description |
getAmenities | Pulls a list of Amenities |
getMitsPropertyUnits | Retrieves property, floorplans, unit types, units, unit availability and pricing etc. information. This web service uses Property Marketing 3.0 MITS specifications. NOTE: For new projects, please do not use this service and instead use "getPropertyUnits" which is the updated version of this service but no longer supports the MITS standards. |
getPropertyUnits | Retrieves property, floorplans, unit types, units, unit availability and pricing, etc. information. If the property requested is a parent property with related child or phased properties then those properties will be found in subsequent pages and can be requested using the page specific URLs provided in the response headers. |
getSpecials | Pulls a Specials/Concessions for the property passed. |
getUnitsAvailabilityAndPricing | Pulls a list of Unit availability and their pricing |
getUnitTypes | Pulls a list of unit types. Rates returned are both active and web visible. |
sendAmenities | Insert the amenities. |
sendPropertyUnits | Insert the property units/unit space and other the required details. |
updateAmenities | This service allows user to update the amenities (property/floorplan/unit type/unit space). |
Provides a library of functions to retrieve or send vendors related information.
Method | Description |
getInvoices | Fetch invoice batch for a vendor. |
getPoReceivingRecords | |
getPurchaseOrders | getPurchaseOrders |
getTaxFormData | This web service returns Property management company vendors information and 1099 tax form data. |
getVendorLocations | Pulls a list of VendorLocations |
getVendorPickLists | This web service will return pick list. |
getVendors | This service returns vendor records based on the vendorIds or vendorCodes provided. |
markInvoicesExported | |
sendInvoices | Inserts invoice batch for a vendor. |
sendPurchaseOrders | |
sendVendors | |
updateInvoices | This webservice allows you to update an existing invoice in Entrata. |
updateVendors | |
voidApPayments | This webservice allows users to mark the AP Payments voided. |