Select any of the web services below to view details and examples.
Retrieves the collection data.
*propertyId [Integer] | This is a required field. This field accepts single value. Property Id |
includeEvictions [Boolean] | This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. Include Evictions leases |
fromDate [Date] | This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. From Date |
transactionFromDate [Date] | This is an optional field. This field accepts single value. transactionFromDate |
No Parameters Found. |
{ "auth": { "type": "basic" }, "method": { "name": "getMitsCollections", "version": "r1", "params": { "propertyId": "XXXX", "includeEvictions": "0", "fromDate": "MM/DD/YYYY", "transactionFromDate": "MM/DD/YYYY" } } }
{ "response": { "code": 200, "result": { "MITS-Collections": { "Summary": { "MITSDocVersion": "3.0", "GenerationTimeStamp": "2020-08-19T09:05:20", "SourceOrganization": "Entrata Inc", "TotalProperties": "1", "TotalLeaseFiles": 7, "TotalTenants": 9, "TotalOpenAmount": "5555555581301.66" }, "PropertyFiles": { "PropertyFile": { "Property": { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Property ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 172775 }, "MarketingName": "0001 East Park Property", "Address": [ { "@attributes": { "AddressType": "other" }, "Description": "Primary address", "Address": "4300 Pennsylvania Ave, street, road", "City": "Dallas", "State": "TX", "PostalCode": "75210", "Country": "US", "CountyName": "Unite States " }, { "@attributes": { "AddressType": "other" }, "Description": "Physical address", "Address": "Add line1, Add line2, Add line2", "City": "Pune", "State": "And", "PostalCode": "411057", "Country": "IN" }, { "@attributes": { "AddressType": 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"IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 239054061 }, "TransDate": "2019-10-01", "TransTypeDesc": "Tax1 - 20 % tax on Replace Test1 for transaction ID 239054060.", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "6.00", "OpenAmount": "6.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 238233648 }, "TransDate": "2019-09-01", "TransTypeDesc": "Tax1 - 20 % tax on Replace Test1 for transaction ID 238233647.", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "6.00", "OpenAmount": "6.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 238233649 }, "TransDate": "2019-09-01", "TransTypeDesc": "State Tax - 10 % tax on Replace Test1 for transaction ID 238233647.", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "3.00", "OpenAmount": "3.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 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03/01/2018 to 03/31/2018 - Split into new scheduled charge for month to month interval.", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "4.00", "OpenAmount": "4.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 166888496 }, "TransDate": "2018-02-07", "TransTypeDesc": "TestNewRent1 - Monthly Fee Posted from 02/07/2018 to 02/28/2018 - Split into new scheduled charge for month to month interval.", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "3.14", "OpenAmount": "3.14" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 166888499 }, "TransDate": "2018-02-01", "TransTypeDesc": "TestNewRent1 - Monthly Fee Posted from 02/01/2018 to 02/06/2018", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "0.86", "OpenAmount": "0.86" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 162821865 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"IDValue": 255809587 }, "TransDate": "2020-05-20", "TransTypeDesc": "Accelerated Rent Income - fee posted", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "40.00", "OpenAmount": "40.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380594 }, "TransDate": "2020-05-19", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 05/19/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380648 }, "TransDate": "2020-05-18", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 05/18/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380700 }, "TransDate": "2020-05-17", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 05/17/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380585 }, "TransDate": "2020-05-16", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 05/16/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380718 }, "TransDate": "2020-05-15", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 05/15/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380672 }, "TransDate": "2020-05-14", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 05/14/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": 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"TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 05/10/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380689 }, "TransDate": "2020-05-09", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 05/09/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380713 }, "TransDate": "2020-05-08", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 05/08/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380712 }, "TransDate": "2020-05-07", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 05/07/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": 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"2020-02-25", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/25/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380601 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-24", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/24/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380702 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-23", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/23/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380624 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-22", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/22/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380686 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-21", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/21/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380627 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-20", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/20/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380656 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-19", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/19/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380671 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-18", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/18/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380644 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-17", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/17/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380692 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-16", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/16/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380698 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-15", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/15/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380638 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-14", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/14/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380628 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-13", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/13/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380682 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-12", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/12/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380695 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-11", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/11/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380683 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-10", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/10/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380588 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-09", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/09/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380645 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-08", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/08/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380633 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-07", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/07/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380665 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-06", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/06/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380598 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-05", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/05/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380613 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-04", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/04/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380676 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-03", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/03/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380719 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-02", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/02/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380646 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-01", "TransTypeDesc": "24-Hour Maintenance - The Lux - Posted from 02/01/2020 to 02/29/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380616 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-01", "TransTypeDesc": "Amenity Rent - Posted for 02/01/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 254380662 }, "TransDate": "2020-02-01", "TransTypeDesc": "Accelerated Rent Income - Posted from 02/01/2020 to 02/29/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "2222.00", "OpenAmount": "2222.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 245223403 }, 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"TransAmount": "1.00", "OpenAmount": "1.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 245221537 }, "TransDate": "2020-01-01", "TransTypeDesc": "Accelerated Rent Income - Posted from 01/01/2020 to 01/31/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "2222.00", "OpenAmount": "2222.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 245221533 }, "TransDate": "2019-12-10", "TransTypeDesc": "Accelerated Rent Income - fee posted", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "30.00", "OpenAmount": "30.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 245221574 }, "TransDate": "2019-12-10", "TransTypeDesc": "24-Hour Maintenance - The Lux - Posted from 12/10/2019 to 12/31/2019", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "0.71", "OpenAmount": "0.71" }, { 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"Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 256482399 }, "TransDate": "2020-06-01", "TransTypeDesc": "11AR - fee posted", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "80.00", "OpenAmount": "80.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 256482398 }, "TransDate": "2020-06-01", "TransTypeDesc": "00NEW - fee posted", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "40.00", "OpenAmount": "40.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 256488141 }, "TransDate": "2020-06-01", "TransTypeDesc": "Base Rent - Posted from 06/01/2020 to 06/30/2020", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "30.00", "OpenAmount": "30.00" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 256486360 }, "TransDate": "2020-06-01", "TransTypeDesc": "Tax - 35 % tax on Base Rent for transaction ID 256486359.", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "112.00", "OpenAmount": "83.55" }, { "Identification": { "@attributes": { "IDType": "Transaction ID", "IDRank": "primary", "IDScopeType": "sender" }, "IDValue": 256486359 }, "TransDate": "2020-06-01", "TransTypeDesc": "Base Rent", "TransType": "Charge", "TransAmount": "320.00", "OpenAmount": "320.00" } ] } ] } } } } } } }
/* An Example XML Request */
string xmlRequest = "";
/* An Example JSON Request */
string jsonRequest = "";
/* Initiate a Web Request object */
HttpWebRequest webRequest = null;
webRequest = WebRequest.Create(' REPLACE THIS WITH THE WEB SERVICE URL ') as HttpWebRequest;
webRequest.Method = 'POST';
webRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic ");
/* Add Form data */
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(@"E:\RabitMQ\Learn RabbitMQ With C.pdf");
string fileName = fi.Name;
byte[] fileContents = File.ReadAllBytes(fi.FullName);
string boundary = "--AaB03x";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{0}\"", "requestBody"));
sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{0}\"", "requestContentType"));
sb.AppendLine("application/xml; CHARSET=UTF-8");
sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Content-Disposition: file; name=\"{0}\"; filename=\"{1}\"", "file1", fileName));
sb.AppendLine("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
/* Initiate the request writer */
StreamWriter requestWriter = new StreamWriter(webRequest.GetRequestStream());
/* If you want to send an XML Request, use these options */
webRequest.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x";
/* If you want to send an XML Request, use these options */
webRequest.ContentType = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x';
/* Read the response */
StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(webRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream());
string responseData = responseReader.ReadToEnd();
/* An Example XML Request */
string xmlRequest = "";
/* An Example JSON Request */
string jsonRequest = "";
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
public class PostExample {
public static void main(String[] args){
HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
try {
HttpPost request = new HttpPost("REPLACE THIS WITH THE WEB SERVICE URL");
request.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic <BASE64 ENCODED VALUE OF USERNAME:PASSWORD>");
request.addHeader("content-type", "multipart/form-data");
File file1 = new File("[/path/to/upload]");
MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
new FileInputStream( file1 ),
/* If you want to send an XML Request, use these options */
builder.addTextBody( "requestBody", xmlRequest );
builder.addTextBody( "requestContentType", "APPLICATION/XML; CHARSET=UTF-8" );
/* If you want to send an JSON Request, use these options */
builder.addTextBody( "requestBody", jsonRequest );
builder.addTextBody( "requestContentType", "APPLICATION/JSON; CHARSET=UTF-8" );
HttpEntity multipartFormData =;
request.setEntity( multipartFormData );
HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request);
// handle response here...
}catch (Exception ex) {
// handle exception here
} finally {
/* An Example XML Request */
string xmlRequest = "" ;
/* An Example JSON Request */
$jsonRequest = "" ;
$resCurl = curl_init();
curl_setopt( $resCurl, CURLOPT_POST, true );
curl_setopt( $resCurl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
$strFirstFileName = '<filename with path>';
$strSecondFileName = '<filename with path>';
if( true == function_exists( 'curl_file_create' ) ) {
$strFirsFilePath = curl_file_create( $strFirstFileName );
$strSecondFilePath = curl_file_create( $strSecondFileName );
} else {
$strFirsFilePath = '@' . realpath( $strFirstFileName );
$strSecondFilePath = '@' . realpath( $strSecondFileName );
/* If you want to send an XML Request, use these options */
$arrmixPost = [ 'requestContentType' => 'APPLICATION/XML; CHARSET=UTF-8', 'requestBody' => $xmlRequest, 'file1' => $strFirsFilePath, 'file2' => $strSecondFilePath ];
/* If you want to send a JSON Request, use these options */
$arrmixPost = [ 'requestContentType' => 'APPLICATION/JSON; CHARSET=UTF-8', 'requestBody' => $jsonRequest, 'file1' => $strFirsFilePath, 'file2' => $strSecondFilePath ];
curl_setopt( $resCurl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Content-type: multipart/form-data', 'Authorization: Basic <BASE64 ENCODED VALUE OF USERNAME:PASSWORD>' ) );
curl_setopt( $resCurl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $arrmixPost );
$result = curl_exec( $resCurl );
if( false === $result ) {
echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error( $resCurl );
curl_close( $resCurl );
} else {
curl_close( $resCurl );
echo $result;
Request Headers will be shown here
Request code will be shown here
Response code will be shown here
Response Headers will be shown here